Septic System Frequently Asked Questions

An overview of our product offerings can be found on our

Septic Tank & Accessories page

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What kind of septic tanks does Winchester Precast sell?

  • Winchester Precast sells precast concrete septic tanks just outside of Winchester, Virginia. We offer mid-seam tanks in 750, 1000, 1250 and 1500 gallons. Our top-seam tanks come in 1000, 1250 and 1500 gallons. We also offer EZ-Treat alternative tank systems and MicroFAST tanks, along with distribution boxes, well casings, plastic risers and plastic lids with 24” inside diameter. Check out our septic tanks page for our product specifications. Call us at (540) 667-2301 for questions about our tanks or to place an order.

  • All of our septic tanks are vacuum-tested to conform to Loudoun County specifications before they leave the yard.

  • We do not carry fiberglass or metal septic tanks. See the question below for why we advocate homeowners and consumers to choose precast concrete septic systems.

How long should a septic tank system last?

  • With routine maintenance, septic tanks should last many years, if not decades. Note any foul odors, wet spots in the drain field or slow-draining toilets to nip potential problems before there is a full septic tank failure. Depending on the quality and type of material used for the tank (concrete, fiberglass or steel), the life expectancy may be shorter due to deterioration or structural problems. Acidic soil may also deteriorate septic tanks prematurely. Be sure to research which type of material would best suit your septic tank needs. Concrete tanks are the national standard.

What size septic tank should I choose?

  • The size of your septic tank depends on how many bedrooms/occupants are at the residence, along with appliances that are actively used, including dishwashers, garbage disposals and washing machines. Generally speaking, 1-3 bedrooms need a minimum of 1000 gallons, 4 bedrooms need a minimum of 1250 gallons and 5+ bedrooms need a 1500+ gallon tank. The climate and landscape of your area of residence may also be a factor in the size and type of tank you should use. Be sure to discuss your options with a local septic tank professional, the cheapest price upfront may not be the best long-term solution.

 How much does a septic tank cost?

  • Not including installation or accessories, concrete septic tanks can range from $1200-$5000 depending on the size and style as required by county or local specifications. Steel or plastic tanks may be cheaper upfront, but there would be additional considerations for anchors and special backfill that may increase the cost during installation. Be sure to go through a reputable provider for installation.

How often should my septic tank be inspected?

  • For a regular septic tank system, depending on how many people live in the home, it is recommended to have your septic tank inspected every 1 to 3 years to ensure everything is working properly.

  • In Loudoun, Prince William, Fauquier, Stafford, Fairfax and Spotsylvania, Virginia, alternative septic tank systems must be inspected annually to avoid fines. Loudoun requires alternative tanks to be inspected by July 1st every year.  

How do I inspect a septic tank?

  • Septic tanks should be inspected by a septic system professional. Your local health department usually has this information listed online or available by phone. Unless your septic tank has a riser, the inspector would need to dig out the septic tank to check it. Winchester Precast offers septic tanks that are built to Loudoun County’s specs with designs that include 1 or 2 risers, which would allow inspection without digging out the tank.

How often should I pump my septic tank?

  • A properly maintained septic tank should be pumped every 3-5 years. Be sure to avoid pouring oils or excess food waste down the garbage disposal. Never flush cigarettes, wipes, cat litter, sanitary products, coffee grounds or cotton swabs down the toilet as these items can clog piping and cause a failure.  Routine maintenance is key. If you are looking to purchase a home that includes a septic tank system, ask for the septic maintenance information from the seller.

Can I use Drano to unclog pipes in the house?

  • Drano is a harsh chemical that can negatively impact the beneficial bacteria your septic tank needs to work properly. Equal parts baking soda and vinegar mixed with boiling water is the best solution to use in drains and showers that are clogged. Plunging or a drain snake after the baking soda/vinegar solution may also help break up the clog. Drano should be used very sparingly, if at all.

What is a distribution box?

  • A distribution box has several holes for piping to evenly distribute water from the septic tank into the drain field. The amount of holes depends on the needs of your septic system. Winchester Precast offers narrow and wide distribution boxes with various holes to Virginia specifications. Consult your septic service provider on how many holes your distribution box needs if you are looking to upgrade or find a replacement. Winchester Precast can sell the distribution box or lid separately if needed. 

  • Loudoun County requires all distribution boxes to be wide and coated with a special coating to prevent microbially-induced corrosion (MIC). Winchester Precast provides d-boxes already coated and we do sell spray bottles to treat uncoated boxes already installed. Although Loudoun is the only county that requires this coating so far in Virginia, some homeowners and septic service providers are choosing to purchase coated d-boxes in other counties to prevent MIC.

What is a drain field?

  • A drain field is an area in your yard where water from the septic tank is distributed through piping into the soil. Drain fields are also known as leach fields or absorption beds. The drain field is a very important part of the septic tank system. The most costly septic repairs are in cases of clogged or failing drain fields. If your toilet backs up, have a professional assess your tank and ask questions about your drain field to ensure there is not a serious problem with your system.

 Can I have landscaping or livestock in the drain field?

  • Grasses are ideal to cover the drain field. Plant trees or large shrubs at least 30 feet away from the drain field as the roots can damage the piping. Vegetable or herb gardens should also be planted away from the drain field to avoid possible sewage contamination or oversaturation of the soil.

  • Livestock should be kept off of the drain field as they will trample and compact the soil, impeding the soil’s ability to exchange oxygen, which is a necessary part of a functioning drain field. Stormwater runoff and water troughs should be kept away from the drain field to prevent oversaturation.

EPA Homeowner’s Guide

Follow the link here for the full Homeowner’s Guide to Septic Systems issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


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Septic System Inspection

Follow the link here for a helpful Do-It-Yourself Septic System Inspection Field Guide issued by Washington State’s Department of Health.